
[0] at this place; over here


hai2 ni1 dou6



Cantonese Frequency:

Mandarin Frequency:

[0] [華] 在這裡

Related Sentences
Sentence SWC Jyutping Meaning
喺呢度?等一年? Here? For a year? hai2 ni1 dou6 ? dang2 jat1 nin4 ?
估唔到會喺呢度見到你! gu2 m4 dou3 wui5 hai2 ni1 dou6 gin3 dou2 nei5  Fancy seeing you here! 
呢間酒店唔貴。住喺呢度唔使使好多錢。 這 旅館 不貴 , 住 這裡 不會花 很多 錢 。 {[1] ni1 [2] ne1 [3] nei4} gaan1 zau2 dim3 m4 gwai3 zyu6 hai2 {[1] ni1 [2] ne1 [3] nei4} {[1] dou6 [2] dok6} m4 {sai2 si2 si3} {sai2 si2 si3} {[1] hou2 [2] hou3} do1 {cin4 cin4*2} This hotel isnt expensive. It doesnt cost much to stay there.
咁因為er, 即係我哋點解齊集喺呢度呢?除咗因為香港獨立之外呢,當然仲有呢個選管會嘅嗰個問題啦。咁但係我諗選管會嘅嘢呢,頭先嗰五位啦,同埋其他嘉賓都應該講過好多。咁我就講第二啲嘢。 And that’s because, well actually why are we all gathered at this place? Other than independence for Hong Kong, of course there was the issue with electoral affairs commission. Regarding the electoral affairs commission, the five of them, and other guests, have discussed it in great detail. So I’m going to say something else.
我哋喺呢度渡假。我哋住喺沙灘上面一間酒店度。 我們 來 這裡 渡假 。 我們 住 海邊的 旅館 。 ngo5 dei6 hai2 ni1 dou6 dou6 gaa2 ngo5 dei6 zyu6 hai2 saa1 taan1 soeng6 min6 jat1 gaan1 zau2 dim3 dou6 We're here on vacation. We're staying at a hotel on the beach.
(yue) 喺呢度你可以暢所欲言。 (eng) You can talk freely and delightfully here.
(yue) 呢幾年喺呢度推行清潔運動;總算有啲成績。 (eng) There is a little achievement after implementing the Keep Clean campaign for several years.
(yue) 佢話喺呢度見過鬼喎;講到似層層噉。 (eng) She said she's seen ghosts in here. Her story was so descriptive as if it's real.
(yue) 我喺呢度一個親人都冇。 (eng) I have no one dear to me here.
(yue) 佢係有錢仔;喺呢度打橫行㗎;差佬都奈佢唔何。 keoi5 hai6 jau5 cin2 zai2, hai2 ni1 dou6 daa2 waang4 haang4 gaa3, caai1 lou2 dou1 noi6 keoi5 m4 ho4 (eng) He's a rich kid. He can do whatever he likes. Even the cops can't do anything.