
[0] afterwards; after; behind;


zi1 hau6

zhi1 hou4


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Related Sentences
Sentence SWC Jyutping Meaning
我畢業之後會搵工嘅嘞。 ngo5 bat1 jip6 zi1 hau6 wui5 wan2 gung1 ge3 laak3 After I graduate, I will certainly find a job.
我睇完佢表演之後都O晒嘴! 粵   I was also speechless (with surprise) after seeing him performed. ngo5 {tai2 dai6} jyun4 keoi5 biu2 jin2 zi1 hau6 dou1 Osaai3 zeoi2 !
食完香蕉之後,要掉咗塊蕉皮 粵   Throw away the peel after you've finished the banana. <br>Lit. eat-finish banana afterwards, need throw-[particle used in imperatives] [counter] banana-skin. Classifier 塊 is optional if the object (蕉皮) consists of two characters. But塊 would be mandatory if followed by single character 皮. sik6 jyun4 hoeng1 ziu1 zi1 hau6 , {jiu3 jiu1} {diu6 deu6 zaau6} zo2 faai3 {ziu1 } {pei4 pei4*2}
玩了幾手之後我總結出來—— waan2 liu5 gei2 sau2 zi1 hau6 ngo5 zung2 git3 ceot1 loi4 --
死咗之後咪使旨意上天堂或者下地獄 粵   Don't think you can go to heaven or hell after you die. <br>Std. Chinese: 死後別想上天堂或下地獄 sei2 zo2 zi1 hau6 {mai1 mai5 mai6} {sai2 si2 si3} zi2 ji3 soeng6 tin1 tong4 waak6 ze2 {haa6 haa5} dei6 juk6
落完雪之後,我哋大家出去砌雪人。 粵   After the snow stopped falling, we all went out to build a snowman. {lok6 laai6} jyun4 syut3 zi1 hau6 ,ngo5 dei6 daai6 gaa1 ceot1 heoi3 cai3 syut3 jan4 。
麻煩填張表。填好之後激活就得喇。 Please fill out the form, and I'll activate it for you when you're done. maa4 fan4 tin4 zoeng1 biu2. tin4 hou2 zi1 hau6 gik1 wut6 zau6 dak1 laa6.
係你用晒你先後兩個老公啲錢之後... After you spent all your husbands' money... Hai6 nei5 jung6 saai3 nei5 sin1 hau6 loeng5 go3 lou5 gung1 di1 cin2 zi1 hau6...
好多學生同白領去㗎,特別係落班之後。 There are a lot of students and white-collar workers, who go especially after work. hou2 do1 hok6 saang1 tung4 baak6 leng5 heoi3 gaa3, dak6 bit6 hai6 lok6 baan1 zi1 hau6.
火車三分鐘之後先到,搵張長凳坐陣先。 The train is going to arrive in 3 minutes. Let’s sit on the bench. fo2 ce1 saam1 fan1 zung1 zi1 hau6 sin1 dou3, wan2 zoeng1 coeng4 dang3 co5 zan6 sin1.