
[0] not free; busy | Synon.: 忙 | Mand. only: 不得空閒 (or simply, 沒有空);


m4 dak1 haan4

m2 de2 xian2


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Related Sentences
Sentence SWC Jyutping Meaning
得唔得閒,飲杯嘢? Do you have time? Fancy a drink? dak1 m4 dak1 gaan4, jam2 bui1 je5?
得唔得閒,飲杯咖啡? dak1 m4 dak1 haan4, jam2 bui1 gaa3 fe1? Do you have time? Let's have a cup of coffee!
唔通你睇唔到我唔得閒咩? Can't you see I'm busy? m4 tung1 nei5 tai2 m4 dou3 ngo5 m4 dak1 haan4 me1 ?
我隻手唔得閒,麻煩你幫我斟水! 粵   My hands are full [at the moment]... could you get some water for me? <br>lit. my [counter] hand not free, trouble you help me pour water ngo5 zek3 sau2 m4 dak1 haan4 ,maa4 faan4 nei5 bong1 ngo5 zam1 seoi2 !
(yue) 每次叫佢幫手做家務;佢都話唔得閒。 (eng) Whenever I ask him to do housework; he says he is busy.
(yue) 唔得呀;我今晚唔得閒! (eng) No that's not okay. I'm not free tonight!
(yue) 今晚得唔得閒開枱? (eng) Do you have time to play mahjong tonight?
(yue) 我唔得閒;因為我要去醫院探我媽咪病啊! (eng) I'm not free because I need to go to the hospital to visit my sick mum.
(yue) 呢個星期我好忙;唔得閒出嚟。 (eng) I am busy this week. I am not free to go out.
(yue) 我忙住搞社運唔得閒溫書呀。 (yue) 你都攞來講嘅;如果你係肯俾少少心機嘅;就唔會科科唔合格啦。 (nei5 dou1 lo2 lai4 gong2 ge3; jyu4 gwo2 nei5 hai6 hang2 bei2 siu2 siu2 sam1 gei1 ge3; zau6 m4 wui5 fo1 fo1 m4 hap6 gaak3 laa1.)